Trinity Reformed Baptist is an assembly of diverse people who love the Lord Jesus Christ and His everlasting gospel of peace. Our purpose in this world is to fill the earth with the glory of God, as we live to the praise of His grace and take the message of salvation through Christ to the ends of the earth, that those who are saved by Him might do likewise, as He has commanded.
We are resolved, by the grace of God, to promote God honoring worship as directed in the Holy Scriptures, to preach the gospel to the saved as well as the lost, to edify the body of Christ, to plant and support gospel churches and to help those who are in need.
While Trinity Reformed Baptist Church derives our beliefs from the Scriptures of the Old and New Testament. We also hold to the 1689 London Baptist Confession of Faith.
We also affirm:
TRBC emphasizes in-depth systematic biblical teaching, reverent worship, community and fellowship. We are also actively engaged in missionary work and evangelism, providing opportunities for members to participate in outreach efforts. We value discipleship to help members grow in their faith and understanding of Scripture. As a Reformed Baptist church, we have historical ties to the Reformation retaining Baptist ecclesiology, and having elements of Reformed doctrine, such as the five solas and covenant theology. At the core of our values is the commitment to glorify Jesus Christ in everything we do.
Our Sunday School runs from 10:00 to 10:45 AM. Worship Service starts at 11:00 AM and ends at 12:15 PM. For more information, please check our calendar.
Please contact us in order to learn more about it. Consider visiting us so we can clarify how our church membership works.
641 Maitland Ave, Maitland FL - 32751
Worship in TRBC is marked by a reverence for God and a focus on His Word. We sing using traditional hymns or psalms in our worship services.
Our pastors and teachers engage in expository preaching, where they systematically teach through the Bible, verse by verse, in a way that emphasizes the importance of biblical texts and their historical and theological context.
As part of the Great Commission we are active in preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ to every creature in all nations as the Lord gives us the opportunity.
We are committed to reaching our local community and extending our influence to the ends of the earth through local evangelism and global missions efforts.
We aspire to be a loving and supportive church family, where members care for one another, bear one another's burdens, and encourage spiritual growth through fellowship, prayer, and service.
We are dedicated to equipping and discipling our members as they seek to follow Christ.