We believe the scriptures of the Old and New Testament to be God breathed, the only inerrant, infallible and sufficient rule of faith and practice and the measuring rod by which all things are to be rightly understood and judged. We believe that the worship of God ought to be regulated by the word of God, The Bible describes the only acceptable ways to worship God, either by command or by example. God is not to be worshiped according to the imagination and devices of men. The means established by God in the Scriptures for His worship are: Prayer, the giving of thanks, the reading of the Scriptures, preaching and hearing the Word of God, Corporate singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs and also the administration of the ordinances commanded by the Lord Jesus: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper.
We as a church believe the gospel, therefore, we speak of the good news of the forgiveness of sins, through the death and resurrection of our Lord Jesus Christ. We seek by the grace of God to proclaim Christ and Him crucified both in our corporate and private lives. We believe it to be our privilege and duty to herald the gospel in the church, in the home, in the workplace, with our neighbors, both intentionally and as God gives us opportunity. We believe that the Lord Jesus has enlisted and commanded every Christian individually to take part in the evangelism of the lost and the making of disciples. This great commission that our Savior has ordained for the conversion of the nations is to be fulfilled both at home and abroad.
We believe that the gospel is the power of God unto salvation and wherever that salvation is granted by the grace of God there will be transformed hearts and transformed lives. True Christians live in accordance with Gods commands. True salvation is evidenced by a life of holiness and obedience to Jesus Christ as Lord. The grace of God teaches us to deny ungodliness and to live soberly and righteously in this present age. We believe that the saving work of Jesus Christ, wrought in the heart of a person effects every aspect of the person. It is impossible for someone who knows Christ to be left unchanged.
We affirm the statement of the Nicene creed and its delineation of the doctrine of the Holy Trinity, that there is one true and living God which exists in three distinct, coequal and coeternal persons, God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit. We also affirm the Chalcedonian creed which sets forth the doctrine of the hypostatic union, describing Jesus Christ as both fully God and fully man, two distinct, unmingled natures without confusion in one person forever.
We are in agreement with the tenants of the Protestant Reformation which affirmed justification is by God’s grace alone, through faith alone, in Christ alone, to the glory of God alone and that the Bible alone is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and doctrine. This affirmation is also referred to as the Five Solas, where Sola is Latin for “alone or only”
We also believe in what has been referred to historically as the doctrines of grace. The doctrines of grace are usually discussed in terms of five separate doctrines which have also been referred to throughout church history as the “five points of Calvinism”. The five points are easily remembered with the help of the acronym TULIP:
We use the 1689 Second London Baptist Confession of Faith as a foundation of our articles of faith. We believe though not inspired, nor infallible, this document is an excellent summary of the biblical truth we do confess. We also have a statement of faith that summarizes some of the most important doctrines contained in our confession.